Sebastian is a health pro, spiritual adventurer, skill athlete, and cybersecurity startup leader. He is Swedish, American, German and lives with his wife, daughter and two cats out in nature outside of Stockholm, Sweden. Previously in the Bay Area, California.
MIND: Two decades of deep personal development work focused on psychology, philosophy, human behavior, the brain, trauma, psychedelics, inner child work, masterminds, and two degrees in leadership. I've specialized in understanding the layers of consciousness, high performance, mindset, motivation and drive, and truly immersed myself in inner mastery. The reason why? Curiosity, always feeling different as a child, trauma, depression, anxiety and performance addiction.
Strength: I grew up a mediocre athlete until I found basketball, hip hop and strength training which helped me blossom and eventually led me to the United States. Once in Minnesota I transitioned to American football, which I later played in college in Oklahoma. Strength and CrossFit training became my passion which I ended up coaching. I then have immersed myself for the last 5 years in OLY (Olympic Weightlifting) and gymnastics / calisthenics, as they can be argued to be the two most complex, skill based, meditative strength training practices. Judo has now also become part of my regular routine.
Nutrition: My wife and I are very similar and together our diet has been focused on being as primal, organic, and antiinflammatory as possible over the last decade. This has led to us applying all these different diets to our lives: Paleo, Bulletproof, AIP, Vegan, Vegetarian, and Carnivore(ish). For the last 8 years our diet has predominantly been AIP (Anti Inflammatory Protocol.) combined with intermittent fasting. Supplements play a key role as well. Why? I grew up being sick on a regular basis: colds, ear infections, flu’s along with additional symptoms such as brain fog, stomach issues, mucus, and hard to focus, which I realized in my later teens were associated with sensitivities to common allergens such as gluten, dairy and eggs. Nightshades and other common allergens sent me spiraling too… candida, bronchiectasis. the reason for these
SOUL: A decade of breathwork, meditation, gratitude, love, forgiveness, spiritual masterminds, workshops, psychedelic ceremonies. Growing up in a semi Christian / catholic household I early found a connection with spirit, but along with it came rules and old traditions that were very hard to relate to. Throughout my life there have been times where I feel highly connected and spirit is with me. These times are usually at dawn, dusk, in stillness, nature, water, recording podcasts, during meditation, breathwork, with loved ones, on planes, when being creative, or practicing gratitude, love and forgiveness. The ancient Greeks called this connection “daemon”, your inner compass or in modern words translates to soul. It has been speaking to me my entire life, and the older I get the more I realize it is my inner guide, my heart and spirit.
We praise being number one, but just because you are the GOAT does not mean you're happy. This is a dedication to all high performers out there struggling with "Performance Addiction": Not knowing who you are outside of your performance and numbers...
In loving memory of Stephen Soni <3
Michael Phelps, the greatest Olympian of all times, almost committed suicide...
The Weight of Gold seeks to inspire discussion about mental health issues, encourage people to seek help, and highlight the need for readily available support. It features accounts from Olympic athletes who share their own struggles with mental health issues.